It is no secret that I am passionate about one thing. That is equality and ending violence against women. I have no qualms about saying that I am a FEMINIST (hence the "f" word, clever right?) A lot of people think that being a feminist is a bad thing because there are a lot of negative connotations that go along with it. I am NOT a man hater, (I think we all know that, i'm basically so sickening in love that everyone probably wishes I was...) I shave my legs, (although not as regularly as the Mr. would like i'm sure) and I love makeup! My problem is how women are objectified so frequently in our media regardless of what product the company is trying to sell. There is Milk, Aryby's, Burger King, Carl's Jr, Shoes, Clothes etc etc you follow? The other problem is that by objectifying women we are causing multiple problems, we are showing women that "beauty" is unachievable because the beauty we are shown is not actually real, it is also teaching men to expect a certain kind of beauty and women can't reach it and men can't either. We are teaching people to view women as "things" which encourages violence against women because it is easy to detatch ourselves and not see the women but instead the object. I am currently working on my certificate in Women and Gender Studies, which is more than a minor and shows on your degree. It is something that I would do as a major if it were offered at Utah State. If you haven't watched the documentary called "Killing Us Softly" I would encourage you to do so. I have seen it twice now and it is phenomenal. Below are a few advertisements that I pulled from Google, please don't be offended but please do be outraged for all of us.
And I used to like Burger King. Are you kidding me? |
This one literally makes me nauseous |
Milk? Seriously |
No face=no woman=object |
Again no face=no women=object |
Literal Objects |
This advertisement makes my blood boil and I will NEVER own a BMW |
This is scary, this is a real advertisement encouraging violence against women |
Arby's? Really? |
We have all seen the Axe body wash commercials and they are disgusting |
Read the caption on the left page |
As a literal object |
And D&G yes, this is supposed to be depicting a date rape
Please, for the sake of ourselves, our children and our society let's do something about this?
M |
Those images make me sick! I love that you stand up for what you believe and are such a good example to women everywhere!