Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 9 The Person Who Has Gotten You Through The Most

This one was for sure a toss up. My whole family has been there for me through everything but my dear sweet husband will get to win this one. He has put up with me going on almost three years (since we started our friendship love) and he has been so good to me. He put up with lots of high school drama, some missionary drama, some college drama, wedding stress, birth control craziness, random emotions, lots of sick times and whining. What a sweet fellow =) He also cooks and cleans! Really he is that good! Our first month of marriage was what most would call a nightmare but what we just laugh about. He was going to go to school and found out that the air force would not pay for the whole thing until he went to bootcamp and tech school (hence this January until July, BOO) and so that fell through, all of my classes were dropped which i'm still not sure why, we found out my identity has been stolen, and my birth control made it so that I was really emotional and had a "girl time" for 23 days straight. Yessss! But we got through it thank goodness and have just rolled with the punches. He makes me laugh every day, he makes yummy food out of basically dirt and water it seems and he snuggles with me even though he doesn't like it much. He is a hard worker, and has the biggest heart of anyone I know. He puts up with my temper and smooths out my worry lines. There are so many wonderful mushy things I love about him, but for the sake of my audience I will stop there. Oh yeah one more. He is just TOOO CUTE!! 

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