Sunday, November 20, 2011

On small moments

Today as I write I am not interested in being humorous or insightful or inspiring. Instead, I am interested in frankly writing to remember. As most of you know I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Or LDS, or Mormon. They are all one and the same. I was born and raised in the church as was my parents. My sweet D however was not. When we had graduated high school and were both 18 he decided to take the missionary discussions at my house because I often spoke to him about the church and he just wanted to be able to understand what I was talking about. There were no intentions on either of our parts for him to join the church. Although I credit all that I am and all that truly matters to my religion, I did not want him to feel in anyway that he had to be a part of the church to be my friend/boyfriend. Would I have married him if he wasn't? Honestly no I wouldn't have. The church is too important to me for that, but at the time neither of us were too serious about anything like that. Although he differs on that a little, he says he planned on marrying me all along. He was baptized July 21 2009 and then on July 24, 2010 we went to the temple for the first time with my parents and were married August 5th 2010. As you know I often comment on our age in marriage because we were both 19 when we got married. Which also means instead of going on a mission like most LDS boys do when they are 19 my sweet boy learned what it meant really fast to pay bills and work a lot and we both learned about sacrifices together. There are times we both agree we would have liked him to go on a mission, but he didn't feel like it was his path at the time. I tell you this not as an excuse like some of you probably assume, but just so you understand. We both agree that missions are important, and they will be in our family and we plan on going on a mission(s) together when the time comes. This does mean however, that things that to me used to be everyday things are huge moments in my life, that honestly, I will not be able to describe with words that match the feeling in my heart of gratitude and love for Drew and for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for blessing me to be able to be a part of the little big moments. When Drew was baptized I never thought my heart would be so full of joy for knowing that he was making a decision that not only would change his life forever, but mine as well. Since then I have had that feeling multiple times but it has been strengthened and is so sweet I doubt I will ever feel that way probably until I have children. Then when he got his patriarchal blessing, and then when we went to the temple and got married. All of those things have been to us, huge occasions. Not that our experience is any more special than anyone else's but that it was so special to us, especially because it was not the norm to D growing up. My two favorites though have not been all of the above although they all hold a very special piece of my heart, and spirit in them. My very favorite was when I asked Drew to give me a priesthood blessing. Ironically when he went to basic training and tech school for the air force a return missionary in his group taught him and they often gave blessings to other men who were having especially hard times. It was only two weeks after he had been home, and I was having a hard time in school in work in life and just adjusting to him being back. I was so nervous to ask him to give me a blessing and I was worried he would say no or would be too nervous. Instead he said Ok and pulled up a chair. I will never forget the feeling that came over me as he gave me a blessing. Not because I had never felt it before, but because I had felt it so often from my Dad who gave us patriarchal blessing often. It was the fact that it was the same feeling that made it so special to me. My second favorite memory I think I will hold dearly was from today. At the beginning of Sacrament meeting someone came up and asked if Drew would be willing to bless the sacrament, we both looked at each other nervously, and D answered, "Well sure but I've never done it before" but the other guy just smiled and said "well will you try?" and Drew being sure smiled and got up and said "sure" and walked up to the bench. I on the other hand started praying from that moment until he came and sat back down. He did wonderfully and it was so great, especially afterwards when he winked and gave a very obvious thumbs up to me. He's so great. It has been so good for me to be reminded that so often the things I have taken for granted as "normal" and "regular" are so important and just how special it is, as well as those who are worthy to be able to do those things. My heart is very full and I am so thankful for a loving husband who is so willing to be a worthy priesthood holder and who doesn't shy away from those responsibilities. Love you Mr. Rockstar.



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