Sunday, January 15, 2012

This week

Well let's just say this week, it happened. You know what I'm saying? This week I had so many good/great/fab intentions of all these things to do etc, but instead this week just overtook me and spit me up like a baby. Drew is still waking up at 3:00 Monday through Friday driving to SLC and getting home normally around when I do at 6:00pm. Then we eat and try to get to sleep before 10:00. Yeah for real. So we have been seeing each other about 2.5 to 3 hours a day, when we are lucky. It sucks. But such is life occasionally, and over the past 30 days he has been to Hawaii for 5 days and Cali for 6. He can't complain there much. So we continued on with this schedule and then our car broke down. No not beauty the truck, old man car Taurus that I have driven for quite some time now. Crap. So D being the handy dandy man candy that he is called me and said "I'm driving straight to the shop and I'm going to fix this thing" Ugh ok. So I also drove there and low and behold there was D, my Dad and Dutch hanging out fixing the car. I went and visited my Momsy and came back a few hours later to follow D home and make sure everything was ok. Well with the car it was more than great! Fabulous even (thank you dear sweet crafty man hands that can fix anything from delicious cookies to our car. Win!) but with Mr. Dutch Button it was far from it. My poor thing ate/licked did something with oil from that garage. And a lot of it. He threw up all over, ALL OVER, and then was so sick. Did I mention this was the first week of school? It was and it was a little hectic to say the least. Then Wednesday when our car broke down poor D had seriously less than 3 hours of sleep and Dutch was so sick. But can I just say, to my awesome professor, (no, no she doesn't read this) but regardless, can I again continue to say to my awesome professor, "THANK YOU!" Here is what happened. I went to my first class of the day, but I just couldn't leave Dutch alone the whole day. It was making me sick just thinking about it. So I emailed my next professor and I said "I will be unable to make it to class, I am having my own environmental crisis and I cannot leave my Dog, as silly as that sounds my life would be so sad without him" and can I tell you that she responded promptly and told me to take care of him and then even emailed me yesterday and asked how he was doing? Is that not the most awesome thing ever? I say most likely it is! Also the class that I missed was "The Environment and Social Justice" so I felt my email was not only touching but also humorous as well if you follow. During that email it was also when I realized I have become "one of those people," you know, the kind, the kind that seriously thinks their dogs are their children, are better/cuter/smarter etc etc etc than anyone else's? Yeah. That's me now. I just can't help it though! Dutch is my lone companion when Mr. is gone and he keeps me non-lonesome and for that I am ever indebted. Plus he loves me and I really like being loved. He is ok now by the way and I am glad that I went home and took care of him. Then Drew's mom and sister and friend from Brazil came. Yep, although we live in a 3 bedroom apartment it is more of like, a kitchen, family room, two full bathrooms, master bedroom and then two containers from "Storage Wars" for real. You could find/couldn't find anything you were looking for in there! And unfortunately we could not get them under control enough to be able to put air mattresses or anything in them and so Drew's Mom's first visit consisted of sleeping on an air mattress in our front room along with Syd and Maria. I was horrified. As well as stressed to the max for them to visit. D's mom and step-dad have visited when he first moved here when we weren't dating and then on our wedding they came down and back in the day, so they haven't really visited, visited and I was nervous. I failed all of the daughter-in-law tests but everyone left alive so I count it as a win. It was nice for them to visit and for us to be able to show them our new home here in Ut and all of the things that we like here. Not to mention we went shopping in SLC and I do love me the semi-annual VS sale. If you haven't started following my blog please do! I am so close to 50 and then we can start the giveaway! YAY! And if not I will just keep the Buxom set along with the same set I also ordered for myself but oh well! I hope you are having a lovely day, XOXO M

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