Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Truth Tuesday

You know how T-Swift is singing basically every girl's life on her new CD? (according to Facebook, Instagram and Blogger anyway) Well she is definitely singing mine over and over and over. Thanks Tay ha. So since this whole divorce thing has been happening I have really needed to have a distraction. I love to read and well, I chose Harry Potter. I don't even know what number that was that I have read books #1-4 honestly. Yeah I'm a closet nerd and I am not even embarrassed. Like at all. I am in the middle of book 5 so there you go. Let's talk about awkward things. Here is awkward, being divorced at 22, being LDS, living in a college town where now i'm considered almost "old" because i'm not 18/19 now and being back in the dating scene. Yeah it's freaking awesome. What is even more awkward is when you talk to someone (a guy) and you are just being friendly and he takes it as you want to date him and stops talking to you. Yeah, no, I actually really was just curious how you were doing...... so..... now I hope it's crappy? False I don't really, but that was awkward. Second awkward is when you ARE flirting and then the guy thinks you are being friendly. So. Great. No. More. When talking with Tan Tan and one of her guy friends the other night I was saying how awkward things are, I don't know how to put myself out there, I just feel like a weirdo etc. Then her friend said, "well Megan, more guys would probably talked to you if you stopped reading Harry Potter!" HAHA!!! I laughed and said , I would rather Harry Potter anyways so lets just keep it how it is then. Lately I have been extremely emotional. I overall am not a huge crier, normally I have to just get really, really mad and that is when I cry but lately all I do is cry. And when I mean cry, I mean literally all of a sudden burst into tears and hysterics and sob and literally have to pull my car over cause I can't see when driving kind of driving. Things have just been hitting me a lot lately and I think I have just been holding in so many emotions that I physically can't hold them back. Pathetic but true. See I don't tell people this in person, but on my blog I do because this is my outlet and I need to get it out somewhere. So here it is out. My poor Mom has had to listen to me for hours ranting and raving and crying and yelling and being unresponsive over and over and over again. I wish I wouldn't do that. My emotional state to put it lightly would probably be considered volatile. I just miss my best friend. Unfortunately He is who I talked to about everything, always. I have been having withdrawals from that. Even after everything I still miss him, then that makes me angry and more sad and then I get mad at myself, and then people tell me I have "no self respect because normal people wouldn't miss their ex husband who cheated and lied and didn't care about you and left you on your anniversary and who will never really care about you anyway get over it already" logically I understand that. Emotionally I still don't. I am trying. I had just accepted my life the way it was, chose to ignore those things, and tried to make the best of it when He did care, and when he did want me and when he was around. I am convinced that marriage again is not for me. I just don't think I will be able to truly trust anyone after all of this and I think that might be ok anyway. I have wanted to be the favorite aunt anyway, so now I just really will be. Disneyland was so fun. I plan on documenting that trip sometime since I took a shiz ton of pictures. Guys, in two weeks I will officially be on the books at school. Meaning I can take appointments. Meaning I will be working on real people. Meaning I'm scared out of my mind but also really really excited at the same time. Scary. One last thing, remember how I have said forever how I have been wanting to work on being healthier? Well guess what? I have been doing a pretty good job. I have so far lost 14 pounds and I am hoping to lose another 8-10 by Thanksgiving. I still have a really, really long way to go, but I feel strong doing this because I didn't think I could. My weight was my protection in a way when I found out about the infidelity issue and emotionally I have been fighting it for over a year and a half because I just felt like I couldn't do it and that I didn't want to do it and now that I actually AM doing it, it feels good. Wish me luck. And give me any tips you have because I will take and can use them all!! Hope you had a good day, Happy Halloween tomorrow! xoxo M


  1. Come do boot camp at sarc with me! That has helped me a ton with the baby weight. Also, you are amazing, strong, and GORGEOUS! You don't need to hear it from a man because girls are the ones you want to make jealous with that andBOOM it's done! Good luck girl.

  2. Megan, I just love you! I don't even know you, but seriously...i relate to you SO much. I know you didn't ask for my advice about this (and since i can't seem to stop shoving MY face with food...i'm not going to give you any dieting advice...haha!) BUT i remember when i got divorced (MY ex decided he didn't love me right around our anniversary too! ugh!) and there was a good two months (while he decided want he wanted to do...get divorced or not) where i cried and cried. And he was such a douche, but i missed him too, especially because he asked me not to talk to him at all. So I started writing letters to him in the back of my journal. Anytime I wanted to yell at him or tell him something or just chat, i wrote a letter to him. I thought that i might end up giving them to him later, but i didn't. They're still there. And it doesn't even matter to me anymore...but THEN those letters were soooo therapeutic. I honestly think they helped me sort through all my thoughts. and realize that the person i "thought" was my best friend, was someone who didn't even exist. He had no clue who he was, and therefore I didn't know him at all. I honestly had to mourn for him like he had died. Ok, i'm done for now...but honestly email me anytime girl. I think the world of you! And i'm so proud of you! Way to go with your weight loss!

  3. I think you're great. Everything comes in time so do the hardest thing of all: be patient. Everyone has a loud opinion of what you should be doing and how you should be progressing but, guess what, they don't matter. Just do your thing and work towards finding joy once more and making steady progress. Everything takes time and it's so easy for someone to say, "Get over it" when they're not the one dealing with the issues.

    Go get 'em tiger. You really are brave because I have no doubt how extremely hard this is for you.


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