Thursday, November 1, 2012

Let's Party!

But seriously I wish I could throw a huge party. We would title it "PITY PARTY!!" Not so that we can all get together and have a pity party with me but so that all of the people that pity me but are so sweet and thoughtful can come and have fun. I really wish this were possible to do. I have had so many kind words and texts, and emails and quotes and scriptures etc from so many caring, thoughtful, wonderful people so thank you so much. I am very thankful that my bitterness and anger can at least be sated because there are so many people who are selfless and take time out of their day to make mine. I can't even tell you the amount of times I have read and re-read all of the comments and emails and encouragements I have received from people who know me well and people who don't know me at all but care enough that they wish me happiness. So here's to you guys! Too bad I can't throw a huge bash to celebrate awesome nice people! If I could, we would have a ball, believe that! There would be lots of dancing, and singing and bounce houses and foam pits and paint (just because that sounds exciting) and a swimming pool! And we would drink sparkling pink lemonade and hot chocolate with salmon and filet mignon and triple chocolate Bavarian! Not to mention cotton candy as a pallet cleanser Yum. Someday when I'm a rich old lady and I die maybe I'll sponsor like 15 huge parties like that at orphanages. Complimentary rock candy suckers will also be provided on the way out....... Getting carried away? Alright i'm done. But for real, thanks for the kindness I don't deserve it but I am so glad that I have had it, it's been a literal God send. xo M

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