Thursday, April 7, 2011

On Being Humble and Things I Am Proud Of

WARNING: This post may or may not change your opinion of me.

Being humble is an important quality. However I also think that there are certain times for humility and that there is a difference between being cocky and being proud of one's accomplishments. I have never wanted to come across as cocky or stuck up for the things I have done in my life, and so because of that there are several times I never really talked to anyone about them. The reason I say that your opinion of me may change is that I don't want this to come across as a "look at me look at me" post at all. In fact I considered posting this because I do NOT want anyone to think that that is what the intention of this post is about. Honestly I have actually been thinking about this a lot since graduating high school. It used to be that people were proud of themselves and their accomplishments. The whole keeping up with the Jone's. Now it seems like being a loser is the cool thing to do. There are so many people whose aspirations are to live in their parent's basement for as long as possible and to not do anything with their life. It used to be that men were the CEO's and were making the most money and were attending college. All of that is changing. I think that it is amazing that so many women are now aspiring higher in the corporate world and attending college but wouldn't it be so much better if men and women were both doing that?

Yesterday I was in Wal Mart doing some shopping. I was in the bread aisle but I was looking for hot pockets which are directly across from the bread (be proud mom, I did not purchase any hot pockets.) Anyway I overheard a boy about 14 who was a cute little guy asking his mom if they could hurry, his mother got an angry look on her face and in my head I thought, (COME. ON. LADY!  It is your son's spring break and super shopping at Wally World in the middle of the day is probably not number one on his things of fun) Well boy was I wrong. She said, "Johnny"  Are you just wanting to go home so you can play your video games?? Is that why you are trying to hurry us up? Now I thought to myself I shouldn't have judged the lady but then I did turn to "Johnny" and start judging him really good. I thought boy you will never have a girlfriend or a job or a good life. Shame.

 Granted I hate all video games with the few exceptions of 1. 007 on N64 1. Mario Kart also N64 and Wii fit and Cabella's Big Game hunter also on Wii.

Ok, off point. Anyway my point is that I wish that people were proud of their accomplishments and that they were continually pursuing accomplishments. Before posting this I thought to myself do I get mad or annoyed when people tell me about cool things they have done? Honestly? No. No I do not. I actually have more respect and understanding of them as a person. That is actually one of the reasons I enjoy blogs so much is because I can see people doing so many amazing things that they are good at!  So I have decided to make a list of things I am proud that I have accomplished in my life so far (This is the part where your opinion of me may change because you might think I am having the "look at me look at me" attitude.) But really, it is more of a pat on the back to myself and also an encouragement to everyone else to give YOURSELF a big pat on the back and to continue to have accomplishments because when we stop that is when we are done.

1. I was on Student Council from 4th grade to 12th grade
2. I was Idaho State Student Council Secretary
3. I was on the NO MEANS KNOW teen group through the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
4. I was on Oprah because of the NO MEANS KNOW program
5. I was able to get a full ride scholarship to Utah State University and serve as an Ambassador for them
6. I was once in a musical and had the only solo even though I was the youngest and least experienced actress
7. I got married in the temple
8. I have stayed true to my faith
9.I have always liked myself




  1. Love this!! find the Oprah clip and post it! that is cool!

  2. HAHAHAHHAA! i know you thought of me when you put achievement cat on there!!

  3. Thanks Mal! And Tip yes I did think of you haha!


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