Thursday, April 14, 2011

On Being Authentic...............

As I have mentioned previously, my minor is women and gender studies so I have a lot of interesting classes. My favorite class is called "Women and Leadership." This class is all about how to cultivate your leadership capabilities as well as to pursue what interests you and what you love, because so many women don't. They decide they have other things they need to do, instead of a lot of things that they want to do. Don't get me wrong, I think that people need to be responsible but I wish that more people would also pursue their dreams. Anyway, in this class we were required to sign up to present from a pre assigned book a chapter at the beginning of class. I signed up for one of the last classes possible to present (responsible I know....) but it is what it is. So Tuesday night I stayed up late going over how I wanted to present this chapter to my class. I kept stressing and going over it and didn't go to be until late. The topic was "Bringing Your Whole Self to Work and having Authenticity." So of course as my life goes, the next morning my alarm clock did not go off. I woke up 3 minutes after I was supposed to be at work and I was frazzled out of my mind. I had to go straight to work, then give a campus tour and then go straight to the class I had to present in. Meaning I had to get my clothes for my tour and all of my school stuff before going to work. It was also ironic that I texted cute Whit who I work with to let her know I was out of control but coming, and she didn't work that day. I am seriously blessed that I have an understanding boss.

Of topic, anyways being authentic was what I really focused on in my presentation. There was actually a study that was done in 2001 that asked what attribute do you most want to be remembered for and over 60% of being answered "authenticity." A similar study was also done that asked what was the most important quality in a lifelong partner and "authenticity" was also the most important attribute. It also talked a lot about culture and there was a part of me that was sad about this. There have been so many times in my life that I have felt "too white." I know that sounds dumb to a lot of people but I think being cultured is such an awesome thing. It made me start thinking about when I am old and gone and my family is talking about their heritage and culture what they will do because of me or if they will do anything. A lot of families can make special food, or dancing or arts and I don't have that really. But what I do have is almost as good. I grew up in a home that was very accepting of other people and other cultures and have always been taught to love differences. This is why I love the opera, Phantom is fantastic but Miss Saigon is great as well. I also adore museums. The Smithsonians are some of my most favorite places in the world. Trying food from other countries is one of my hobbies. Dancing of all kinds is beautiful to me, even though I really can't dance except for ballroom and salsa. Someday the Mr. and I plan on going all over the world and seeing everything there is to see, not just the resorts but also the villages and the animals and the wild.

So my culture is an abundance of everyone else's I have decided. This is also why I am so accepting of people and their choices in general. I am cultured. I AM. I AM. I AM.
Aside from that, I also drink hot chocolate every day. Every day! Nesquick to be exact regardless of the season. That adds something to me right? Are. You. Cultured? What is it to you? Just something to think about.

Also I failed a test this morning. 4 points out of 96. Boo Yah.




  1. Meg, seriously, I think you are an incredible person. I've loved getting to know you better, and I want to know more and more always.
    Love you.

  2. I think I am blessed for having you at Sports Academy! PS The alarm thing happens to everyone, never fun.


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