You know that day when you are putting some abreva on both sides of your mouth because you have had cold-sores playing a game back and forth across your face for a month, and you realize you are wearing the same sweats you have worn every. single. day. other than when you are at work, (where ironically enough I also wear the same thing every single day, oh khakis....) and you say, "hey! i'm cold in this sweatshirt!" and you realize it is because it is still really wet from last night when you were icing your face and the ice starting melting all over you, and it was cold then too but you didn't care enough to move because you were watching Downton Abbey? Oh, you don't know?? Ok, awkward..... Even if you don't know all the way, you still know partially what I'm talking about. Mr. Bongiovi is soaking up the California sun right now, and I'm wearing his sweats. Basically we are living the same dream life, except i'm pasty white and my hair and face is getting so friggin dry from this cold weather that my whole head wants to just fall off and not worry about any of it. So yeah, my hair is also pretty frizzy.
Anyway that isn't what this post is about! This post is about saying "Hello!" and to also say don't you fret because all of my weirdness will be back promptly since I have taken somewhat of a blogging hiatus since my give-away- yeah I know lame. But since I'm here I guess I will tell you abut our valentines day,
I had been given instructions to be ready at 5:00pm. Normally Mr. doesn't get home until 6:00 but he asked the guys on base if he could leave early on Tuesday (this was like the previous Monday)Their response? "What's on Tuesday?" He said, "It's Valentine's day" they started laughing and asked how long he had been married he responded "18 months last week" (he got some points for that response because it's all about the details with me people, it really is) and they said "Oh, I guess that isn't long enough to where it doesn't matter anymore" he said "Yeah, in our house it will always matter, my wife....." HEAR HEAR!! And they let him leave early. So the morning of Valentine's day I woke up and came out to the couch where awaited me the Vibram Five Finger shoes I wanted! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they are so awesome, and weird, and make me feel like a frog, which is something i've been looking for so yeah, I was pumped. I put those suckers on and wore them almost the entire day! This surprise was a double surprise however because I was thinking that the surprise was only for the evening, so I assumed that we weren't doing anything in the evening since he gave me my present in the morning? The other funny was that I had gotten him some new Nike's for Valentine's day. The pair I purchased also happened to be the obnoxiously bright colored ones where all you do is look at the person's feet! Awesome!! (He actually convinced me that they glow in the dark and shut me in a dark room, they sure don't) Anyway, he was at work all day and Tuesday is the only day of the week that I occasionally had off, so I was lucky that I had it off, and I spent the day with my Mom, sister and Nephew who kept telling me happy balentimes and showing me his balloons and valentines he made. So cute. I came home and got myself ready, like the ultimate read for a few hours and was looking forward to what I assumed would be dinner. I was also pumped because my hair was perfect as was my makeup, which considering there is no moisture in this frigid air was a miracle, even my lashes were perfect. Mr. came home. Said how cute I was, (yes, out of the sweats can do some wonders around here) and we were off, as we were driving I said are we going to SARC? They gym where I work, and he said no, it's just around there...... Yeah, nothing close to what we would be eating for Valentine's day was around there, I had hoped anyway, but we did end up going to SARC and there we got couple's massages! So great! I have gotten multiple massages, that happens when you permanently have displaced ribs from a car accident, tmj, and a few friends who are masseuses, but having one with Drew there was really great. The only downside was when it was over my hair and makeup were goners, seriously my one pair of eyelashes had split into like 3 eyelashes all smashed together. Awesome! But we laughed about it and didn't care too much because our bodies felt like Jello, in a good way. We then went to dinner at Kabuki grill. We had gone there 3 days before on date night, but we liked it so much we decided to go again. It is just like one of our favorite restaurants from Boise that we used to go to with all of our friends. Then we came home and slept like the dickens until 3:00am when Mr. wakes up to drive to SLC. Overall this valentine's day ROCKED!!!! Seriously I was so so so impressed with Mr. because he surprised me the entire day! That has never, ever happened because I always figure it out, the poor guy. It was also fun because it was so fun and lovey dovey mushy but without flowers and chocolates. A high maintenance girl like me likes those things on regular days, yeah I am a high maintenance love girl, sue me, but seriously this Valentine's day was so special because it was nothing that I thought we would do which was fantastic. I hope you all had wonderful days too! Valentine's is one of my favorites, I love, love and celebrating love, especially with all that mushy, gushy, tacky/trashy that all goes into it. Have a wonderful day lovelies!
PS. i missed you guys too..... ;)