Tuesday, December 27, 2011

On: Christmas Time

Oh Hey! I've been missing in action for a while so if you ever read my blog I apologize for that. Unlike most people I get sad around Christmas time. It makes me reflect on the past and on the future and I get a little melancholy. I love Christmas as well though, but this Christmas was a little hard for me. Last Christmas it was just a few weeks before Drew was going to be leaving for 6 months, we had only been married for 5 months and I was scared and it was hard to feel excited and to buy presents that I knew wouldn't be able to be used for 6 months. This year I was excited but we found out that Drew would be on a 30 day rotation deployment and didn't think he would be around for Christmas. For that reason Mr. Bongiovi and I wanted to spend as much time together as possible. We were lucky though, he was able to come home late Friday night and be here for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. This year for Christmas we weren't going to get each other anything because of Dutch Button as well as this beauty,
Drew has always had a truck, until this time last year when we decided to sell it because he was leaving and then we bought a Jetta. Well living in Utah with icy roads and a Jetta surprisingly didn't work out, (even though all of our friends here TOLD us it wouldn't) In the end we both got we wanted, I always wanted a Jetta and for a good 6 months I was able to have one, then we almost died in a succession of 3 days and I said it was time for a either an SUV or a truck. Who am I kidding though? Drew and I are truck people we are from Idaho and we feel right at home in that lovely. I wanted to get a Titan because that was always our deal, but then Drew saw this truck and really liked it, (he's not a Ford guy) but we drove it around and decided it was ours. Merry Christmas to us!! By the time Christmas rolled around however we had more presents under our tree to each other than we knew what to do with other than open and we spent our now 3rd Christmas together. This year was different though because since it was my family's year for Christmas and my sister and her cute family came from Texas we had no where to stay in Preston and we figured we might as well stay in Logan. So Christmas Eve we all were together for our tradition of Oyster stew (as well as something else that is edible) and cinnamon rolls. This year my cute boys dressed up as the three wise-men and it lasted a good 2 minutes, they were adorable. Christmas day each family were at their own houses (except Cass and Wes who were with my parents) and we all did our own Christmas and then got together and went to church and then opened up the family presents. It was probably one of my favorite Christmas's ever even though I was a little down. I wanted to do something this year that would help remind me what the true meaning of Christmas really was, and so I decided to write a letter to everyone in my family to tell them personally why they were special to me. Although that probably sounds super cheesy, I don't really do things like that, and so for me it made a big difference to reflect on this past year and think of how all of my siblings and parents and Drew and my grandparents have been here for me and us and have made my life what it is. I hope that you all had a very merry Christmas and that it was filled with love wherever you are. Because this is such a condensed version of the past few weeks I am sure I will write more on the goings on, but until then Happy Holidays! xoxo M

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