Thursday, July 21, 2011

Truth, ugh, Thursday?

So my cousin (she's lovely, if you'd like to stalk her, which I recommend, do so at anyway does what is called "Truth Tuesday." Where you basically are 100% honest about whatever you fee like, I wanted to do it Tuesday but it got away from me, so I thought I would try a mini one today and then see how it goes from there and maybe continue on with this for the following Tuesdays, so here goes,

On life: Lately I have been thinking a lot about death. I think it is from all of the Criminal Minds and Rizzoli and Isles I have been watching, but it makes me contemplate a lot on what life would be like if I were to just die. Not in a creepy way, but things happen like that every day. I wonder who would miss me. Who would even care. Who would think about me in the days, weeks, months and years following. And who would forget about me. Honestly I am not sure I like what I think would happen. I don't know how many people would actually miss me, who would really be affected and what does that say about my life? I don't like that

On The Husband: I am so glad he is home. He is so glad he is home. But honestly it has been so hard too. I guess that is life.

On Everyone Getting Married: Ok not everyone but two people who are the most special to me are both getting married in August. I am so happy for them but for some reason it also brings up a lot of emotions in me a lot of happy but a lot of sad too. I feel like all of my youth is gone now. All of it.

On School: It is killing me. Ok not really school, it is actually that Mr. has to wake up everyday at 3:00 because he has to be in SLC at 5:00am and I try to be a good wife and wake up too, but then I don't go back to sleep, and I don't go to sleep until like midnight or 1:00 everyday because I am not much of a sleeper, then I go to school everyday and then straight to work. Every. Day. It has just been a lot lately.

On Adele: I think she is my best friend since I don't have any friends anymore. I love her lyrics and her voice and her passion. She is lovely.

On today: July 21st is one of the most important days of my whole life, 2 years ago today my buddy decided to get baptized, and he did, and now we are together because of that. If he wouldn't have made that decision, (which was literally one of the hardest I think he will ever have had to make) our lives, both of them, would be so so different than they are now. And even though we have a lot of tough times, we knew we would, and it is worth it, because we do have the Gospel, and know why we are trying so hard everyday, it is all worth it.

On Blogging: I miss blogging. I am going to try to do it more. Not for anyone but myself, it always feels good to write what is going through your mind, and I know as I did with my other blog, someday I will go through the things I have written and I will smile, and cry just as I do often when I write the things I write now.

That is all for today lovelies,

I hope your day and summer has been a little more sun-shiney than mine has been, but in a few weeks I will have 2.5 weeks of summer before fall semester starts and that is keeping me going!!




  1. I love your posts. So honest. So...marriage! Love it, love you.

  2. Am I one of the important people getting married in August? Boy, I hope so!

  3. Oh Mall I love you too! You are the greatest for not hating me after all of my honest marriage talk :)

    And Yes Kels you know you are you freak! And I also love you and am excited to share our anniversaries together :)


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