Thursday, June 14, 2012


I sit hear amid boxes that I am frustratingly trying to pack, putting little pieces of our lives away one at a time to be moved to a new place. We are supposed to close tomorrow morning and start moving our things this weekend. I would be lying if I didn't say I am beyond excited but I am also a little sad. This little apartment, I think of it as my apartment really, I will be sad to leave. I remember when we had to move in last minute, a week before Drew left for basic training where he would be for 6 months. When he left, this whole apartment was still in boxes, similar to how it is now. I remember coming back and sitting on the floor and just crying trying to find the courage to live a life I hadn't planned on living, and to put everything together. It took me a long time to do that. For a long time I just felt homeless, like I didn't belong anywhere and was always a little disheveled about that. Now though, I think of all the places in this apartment I have shed tears, happy and sad, (I'm a crier, I can't help it) and there is a warm little spot in my heart for this place. I will miss our view of the temple and the glowing A up on the hill, a view we don't have in our new house, and I will miss being so close to everything and everyone I have known, and gotten to know so well in our ward and at work. There is something so sweet about the idea of our new home. There is something romantic to me that our house served as a home for others but that everything inside will be brand new for us. A new beginning of sorts. This house will be where we will have our first child, where we have our own yard and become established in our new little community. I am excited to be surrounded by trees and be so close to the mountain. To live in the 'country' and to go on walks to the park and to the post office. It's all a little charming. I so look forward to that with my very own Mr. Have a sweet rest of the week and weekend sweets, xoxo M


  1. Yay! Best of luck. Let us know if you need anything.

  2. I really like Wellsville. I'm so excited for you.

  3. Yay girl! So happy for you! What a great step for you and DrewB! :)


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