Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Isn't interesting how easily it is to link an emotion to our senses? I do this often and am reminded of it on a regular basis. The sound of a can of soda being cracked open, poured into a glass, and then the delicious fizzing noise as the carbonation meets the ice. Without fail I have always linked that noise to my Grandpa Keller. When I was 2 years old I stayed with my Grandma and Grandpa Keller while my family went to Disneyland, there I learned of all of the joys of M&M's and Pepsi which I called "Ice." For my 3rd birthday they gave me a huge bag of M&M's and a 12 pack of Pepsi, since ever coming home from that trip I repeatedly asked my Mom for "Ice" which she wasn't producing. Since then I have shared many a glass of cold Pepsi or Coke with my Grandpa and know that, that sound will always remind me of him. The sound of a squeaking door reminds me of my Mom. Living in our last house in Boise we had a walk in Pantry that my Mom made good use of. Obviously she stored everything there, but she also had a little stool in there that she would sit on and whenever I came home from school or work or a date she would be waiting and she would sit there while I sat at the counter and we would talk. Every morning I would hear that noise and know my mom was up and wait for her to come and wake me up. I was definitely the youngest and continued to make my mom wake me up past the time I was a senior in high school because I liked getting a hug in the mornings and knew she would always do that. Even the times I would pretend to be asleep. The sound of nothing but pen writing on paper reminds me of my sister Cassie. She is a writer. Not like me, a rambler, crazy, out there one. But a real one. She has been published multiple times and with good reason, she has pure talent. She has more journals and notebooks than I can count. Whenever we would travel she would write for hours and although I would tease her I always envied her and wanted to know what she wrote. I am always curious of that. I once had a professor tell me that my handwriting was almost identical to my sister's and for some reason that has been one of my most favorite compliments that I have ever received The sound of high pitched laughter will always remind me of my best Tip. When she gets really crazy and while I am encouraging her to get that way she often pees her pants and can't help but laugh/shriek at the same time, and though it is a bit of a nervous making sound, it is also a good one meaning I am doing my job as a best friend The sound of keys in the door is one of my very favorites and probably always will be. The sound that He is home safe and will soon be with me. Whether He has been gone 10 minutes or 10 days the sound always makes my heart pound faster and without fail makes me wake up even when I am in bed. It is a comfort noise. Loves and Hugs and sound sleeping to you all, xoxo M


  1. I like this. I recently played "get to know you" with my invented game of favorite and least favorite senses and I was surprised at how personal and fun that conversation was. I associate smells with memories rather that sounds though.

  2. I love the sound of the train at night. It makes me feel safe. Your posts are adorable!

  3. Sam, I do that too with all my senses. I think everyone does to a degree.

    Ashley, I love that sound too! Our hometown is right by traintracks and our apartment here is now too it is a comfort sound for some reason.


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