Thursday, September 22, 2011

On: Mo' Mo' Bloggin'

What say you is "Mo' Mo' Bloggin'?" To that say I, is Mormon Mommy Bloggers. I recently read this article,

and was fascinated! Seriously. So here is the thing, there are a lot of "mormon" bloggers who aren't "mommy's" and there are a lot of bloggers who aren't "mormon." It was just really cool to read someone else's perspective of why they like blogs written by Mormon women about their mostly just day to day lives.

Here is why I liked this article, this cool, hip, girl who is writing things up in newspapers and magazines thinks that mormon women who stay at home and bake cookies have are actually pretty awesome too. I grew up with a mom who never worked and made every meal by scratch and always had a treat to come home to and who (tried) to teach me how to sew and craft and clean and cook and be spiritual and caring for others and that was just normal life. Now I am by NO means saying that people of other religions don't do these things also because they for certainly do, but there is almost a culture that us Mo' Mo's have.

My very favorite thing that she says, (I'm paraphrasing here people so don't judge on the exactness) was that mormon blogs let her enjoy a life that she doesn't necessarily live and doesn't necessarily want, but that makes her happy. My favorite things about blogs is the positive things that are on them. There have been a lot of complaints from people saying that people aren't "real" on their blogs and pretend to have a Utopian life, and other than myself, no one actually does. I like that. I like that people intentionally highlight the good things that are going on in their lives and that make them fulfilling and happy and I wish more people would do that. I also liked that she highlighted that blogging has become the new journal and like I have mentioned previously, I really would like to work on that. There is always some tiny thing that happens every day that makes me laugh or is memorable but that after everything else happens in the day I forget and wish I could remember. So here's to me trying to blog more! Hear Hear!! And for those of you who don't blog or who reads my blog and I don't know you're reading it cause you're creepin' (don't worry I super love creeps) and you have a blog and I don't know about it, that needs to change! I'm an avid blog stalk creepster. Anyway here is my quickie for the day,

---Today I was trying to chill out because Mr. was being annoying. (I still love him but he can be annoying especially when he knows it so he tries harder to be annoying!) Continuing, I almost got off topic there..... He then came into the bedroom and mooned me and said "THIS is what your face looks like" to which I responded "You're a freaking idiot!" and then I smothered him soaking wet cause I forgot to mention I was in the bathtub previously, and he didn't think he would be punished. He was.

Yep. I'm glad we all experienced that together. Keep it realsters...



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